Hope Fades for Stranded False Killer Whales in Tasmania

Hope Fades for Stranded False Killer Whales in Tasmania

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — Marine experts have abandoned efforts to rescue more than 150 false killer whales stranded on a remote beach in Tasmania, officials announced Wednesday.

The mass stranding occurred near the Arthur River on Tasmania’s northwestern coast, where 157 whales were discovered on an exposed surf beach Tuesday afternoon, according to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Unfavorable ocean and weather conditions made rescue attempts impossible on Wednesday and are expected to persist for several days, incident controller Shelley Graham said.

Rescue teams, including veterinarians, attempted to refloat two whales but were unsuccessful due to rough surf. “The animals are continuously restranding,” Graham stated.

With no viable alternatives left, marine biologist Kris Carlyon confirmed that the surviving whales would be euthanized. “The longer these animals remain stranded, the more they suffer. All other options have failed,” Carlyon said.

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