For the first time, America did not vote against Russia, abandoning the differences

The US and Russia were seen standing together on the resolution presented in the United Nations regarding the Ukraine war. This was the first time since Russia invaded Ukraine three years ago that the US tried to stop the draft resolution presented in the UN on behalf of Ukraine. The resolution demands military withdrawal, cessation of hostilities and a peaceful solution to the war against Ukraine. European countries and the G7 (except the US) voted in favor of the resolution, due to which it was passed. It is known that India and China did not participate in this voting.

93 countries voted in favour of the resolution presented in the UN, which includes major countries like Germany, Britain, France and G7 (except America). 18 countries including Russia, America, Israel and Hungary voted against it. 65 countries including India, China and Brazil did not participate in the voting. It is worth noting that in the last 3 years, America always voted with the European countries regarding the Russia-Ukraine war. This is the first time that it has chosen a different path. This change in America indicates separation from the European side. It also shows a big change in American policy.

Demand for immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine
The resolution was passed and the United Nations General Assembly gave its approval to it. It also demanded the immediate withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukraine on completion of three years of the invasion. In the 193-member world body, 93 members voted in its favour while 18 opposed it. 65 members, including India, were absent from the voting. The resolutions of this body are not legally binding, but they are considered an indicator of world public opinion. In previous resolutions, more than 140 countries had condemned Russia’s aggression. There was a demand to remove its occupation of four Ukrainian regions.

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